171.697 PARTICLE ASTROPHYSICS Spring 2017 ** last update: 26 April 2017 Instructor: Marc Kamionkowski, kamion [at] jhu.edu, 6-0373, Bloomberg 439 Overview: This will be a class on cosmology and particle astrophysics, focussed primarily on cosmological perturbations, the theory of their inflationary origin, and their imprints in the large-scale galaxy distribution and on the cosmic microwave background. It is assumed that students have some familiarity with general relativity and with the standard Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological model and classical cosmological tests. We will begin with a lightning review of homogeneous cosmology, then discuss the Newtonian theory of subhorizon perturbations and galaxy clustering. Syllabus (!!tentative!!) Week 1: Review of FRW metric, Friedmann equation; week of Jan 30 ages, distances, horizons, cosmological parameters, Neo-classical cosmological tests---number counts, distance-redshift relations, Alcock-Paczynski test, quasar-lensing statistics suggested reading: Ch. 1 in Weinberg,Chs. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 of Longair; Chs 1-2 of Dodelson's book. Ch. 2, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.6 of Kolb-Turner. Ch 13 of Peebles' "Principles of Physical Cosmology", and Chs 2-3 of Kolb and Turner's "The Early Universe" are also good. Chs 1-2 of Dodelson's book. Ch. 8 of Longair. Week 2: Thermal history. neutrino decoupling, week of Feb 6 thermal relics, recombination and the CMB spectrum, big-bang nucleosynthesis, baryogenesis, Gunn-Tremaine bound suggested reading: Ch. 3 in Weinberg. Ch. 3 in Dodelson's book. Chs. 3-5 in Kolb and Turner's The Early Universe. Assorted sections in Peebles' Principles of Physical Cosmology cover what we're doing this week, but not in one place. Chs 9-10 in Longair. There may also be relevant parts to Peacock's Cosmological Physics. Week 3: Newtonian theory of perturbations. Growth Week of Feb 13 of linear density perturbations; Jeans instability, peculiar velocities; spherical top-hat collapse; correlation functions and the power spectrum; suggested reading: Ch. 8 in Weinberg. Assorted sections in Peebles, although there's no one-to-one correspondence between his organization and ours. Chs. 15-17 in Peacock's "Cosmological Physics". Ch. 9 in Kolb and Turner. Week 4: More on structure formation: halo abundances Week of Feb 20 (Press-Schechter theory) and the luminosity function; biasing, Gaussian versus non-Gaussian initial conditions; redshift-space distortions; the Limber approximation; nonlinear evolution of the power spectrum; Zeldovich approximation; galaxy formation; The CMB and characterization of its fluctuations suggested reading: Ch. 8 in Weinberg. Assorted chapters in Peebles, although there's no one-to-one correspondence between his organization and ours. Chs. 15-17 in Peacock's "Cosmological Physics". Ch. 9 in Kolb and Turner. Ch. 2 in Weinberg; "Theory of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization," P. Cabella and M. Kamionkowski, http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0403392 parts 1-6; Section 4 in arXiv:1510.06042 ("The Quest for Cosmic B Modes," by Kamionkowski and Kovetz). Week 5: Inflation. Problems with standard hot week of Feb 27 big-bang; inflationary dynamics. Suggested reading: Ch. 4 in Weinberg. Carroll, 8.8; Kolb and Turner, Ch. 8; Dodelson, Ch. 6; Liddle and Lyth, Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure, Ch. 3; Peebles, Ch. 17. Week 6: Relativistic cosmological perturbations. Week of Mar 6 Perturbations to the FRW metric, perturbed stress-energy tensor, synchronous gauge, Poisson gauge, and conformal Newtonian gauge. suggested reading: Ch. 5 in Weinberg; Carroll, Ch 7.2; Ch. 5 in Dodelson; Chapter 4 in Bertschinger's "Cosmological Dynamics" (http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9503125). Week 7: Density perturbations and week of Apr 3 gravitational waves from inflation. Suggested reading: Ch. 10 in Weinberg; Dodelson 6.4--6.6; Liddle and Lyth, {\it Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure}, Ch. 7; Carroll, 8.8; Kolb and Turner, Ch. 8; Peebles, Ch. 17. My lectures will be taken from Lecture 2 and Appendix B in Baumann's TASI lectures, arXiv:0907.5424 Week 8: Evolution of relativistic perturbations weeks of Mar 13 suggested reading: Ch. 6 in Weinberg Weeks 9-10: weeks of Mar 27 ,10 CMB fluctuations; Suggested reading: Ch. 7 in Weinberg; "Theory of Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization," P. Cabella and M. Kamionkowski, http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0403392 parts 7- Also, Kamionkowski and Kovetz, http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev-astro-081915-023433 Week 11-12: Gravitational lensing, cosmic shear, and lensing of the CMB weeks of Apr 17,24 Suggested reading: Ch. 9 in Weinberg; Dodelson, Chs. 8 and 10; Carroll, 7.3 and 8.6. Cabella and Kamionkowski, astro-ph/0403392, Sections 8 and 9. Peacock's "Cosmological Physics," Chapter 2. Blandford-Narayan, Ann Rev Astron Astrophys 300, 311 (1992). Week 13: other subjects?: week of May 1 SZ effect; non-Gaussianity and scale-dependent bias; EFT of inflation; alternative-gravity theories; quintessence and dark energy; intrinsic alignments; reionization; 21-cm fluctuations; spectral distortions; reheating; cosmic birefringence; phase transitions and topological defects; Lyman-alpha forest; ADM formalism; in-in formalism; inflation and string theory; BAO