Cahill 322
kamion AT
TA: Denis Bashkirov
(denisb AT; x2632, 404 Downs)
Class times: Tues,Thurs, 1-2:30 in 219 Cahill (note change of room!)
Class description:
will be a seminar class on various topics of current research interest
in cosmology, particle astrophysics, and other areas of physics.
There will be no lectures and problem sets. Rather,
students will give presentations in class about subjects that the
instructor will suggest and that students will choose. Attendance
will be required, and students will be required to learn on their own a
subject well enough to explain it to others in the class. Some of
the subjects will be things that the instructor knows quite well, but
others will be on subjects that the instructor knows less about but is
interested in learning. These student talks will be
supplemented on occasion by talks from others in the Caltech community.
The purpose of the class is to get an overview of current
research topics and to get some practice figuring out things from the
literature and giving talks.
Prerequisites: Basic undergraduate physics and particularly nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Some quantum field theory or general relativity may be useful, but many of the subjects can be understood, at least qualitatively, without a detailed familiarity with the technical aspects of these subjects.
Grade: Grades will be assigned on the class presentation(s) you make as well as your attendance and participation in class.
On the first day of class, we will go through possible talk subjects, and students will then email me preferences for subjects they'd like to speak on. I will then make a schedule of talks based on these responses.
The talks will need to be researched and prepared by the students. For some subjects there are good review articles. Others may require reading of original papers. And google and wikipedia are always valuable as places to start. I will also provide some places to start and possibly some suggestions, but the burden will really be on the students.
1. Astronomical evidence for dark matter
updated 4/6/2011